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Kelimutu Lake: The miracle with three different water color

If you are familiar to travel into the lake and mountains area, surely you will be familiar with greenish-black water lakes , but not for three lake in the mountain of Kelimutu in Flores. The lake is located at an altitude of 1690 meters above sea level, located in the village of Pemo, District Flores, Ende, Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT). Kelimutu Lake consists with three different lakes and the distance of each other are not so far. Each lake has its own uniqueness, especially from the color of lake water. The first lake named Tiwu Ata Mbupu, the second lake with called Muri Koo Fai Tiwu Nuwa and the third lake called Tiwu Ata Polo .

The first and second lake is located very close together, while the third lake is located about 1.5 km in the west. The third broad lake was approximately 1.051 million square meters with a volume of 1292 million cubic meters of water. Boundary between of the lake with is a narrow stone wall prone to landslides. The wall is very steep with a 70-degree angle. The Wall height of the lake ranging from 50 to 150 meters.

The color of water from three lakes are different from each other and constantly changing from time to time, especially color of the water Tiwu Nuwa Muri (twelve times change within twenty-five years). A few years ago they were white, turquoise and red. In November 2009 they were black, turquoise and coca-cola coloured. In July 2010 the smallest ,Tiwu Ata Mbupu, was clear bottle green, Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai , the largest, was turquoise from the copper below, Tiwu Ata Polo was moss green. The lakes change colour suddenly. In addition to Kelimutu volcanic activity caused by, discoloration is allegedly due to the refraction of sunlight, the water micro-biota, the dissolved chemicals, and due to the reflection color of the walls and bottom of the lake.

Like the Eastern customs, especially in Indonesia which could not be separated from the legend, Flores community also has a legend with this lake. The people of Flores believes , that Mae was a god in charge of organizing life in the afterlife. The spirits of those who died, one by one will sit on the lakes based on the charitable devotion during life. Because of this custom and belief, the names of the lake is part has a meaning, as in the name of the first lakes Mbupu Tiwu Ata lakes has a meaning as the souls of the people, while for the second lakes Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Tiwu meant as a lakes spirits of young people and the third lake Ata Polo Tiwu means lakes spirits of the soothsayers.

The natural wonders of Kelimutu Lake, providing exceptional charms. In addition to these three lakes, at Kelimutu is also has arboretum, mini forest which have an area of 4.5 hectares, where the growth of various types of trees that represent the potential biodiversity of the Kelimutu National Park. There are various types of flora whose number 78 Flora, 2 (two) of them are endemic species of Uta Onga Flores (Begonia kelimutuensis) and Turuwara (Rhondodenron renschianum) and three types of mammals, namely rats lawo (Rattushainaldi), Deke (Papagomys armandvillei), Wawi ndua (Susheureni). At the time of the flowering season between May to August this area is like a flower garden of Eden because it will give a red color on the edge lakes. There is also a type of bird species endemic to Kelimutu, Gerugiwa (Monarcha sp), endemic bird whose voice is very melodious and often called bird of the soul, because it seldom appeared and difficult to find. With the noisy chirping birds Meandering is what always welcomes your arrival in Flores each daybreak, a chirp with 11 different voices.

How to reach the location:

Using aircraft, arrived at the airport H. Aroeboesman Kupang, the journey continues to Ende for about 40 minutes or Bima-Ende for about 90 minutes. Furthermore, from into nearby village of Ende Village Koanara about 93 km (± 3 hours). Then from the Village Koanara- Koposili Village- Manakuko Village-Summit of Kelimutu Lake with walk about 2.5 hours.

Or travel at the start of the town of Maumere, Sikka regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, it took about 3 hours with a rented car with road conditions are not too good, twisting, across ravines and cliffs. We will meet with the village closest to the crater of Mount Kelimutu called Kampung Moni. The village is located in the Village Koanara, District Wolowaru, Ende within 13 miles of Kelimutu Lake. From Moni only takes about 45 minutes to reach the lip of Lake Kelimutu

Travel tips to Kelimutu

Moni only offer simplicity that may be suitable for backpackers. The bungalow here is far from luxurious. If you want to stay somewhere more comfortable, Maumere is the right choice because it is only 4 hours. In Ende also be an option because there is a comfortable hotel. There are several hotels to choose from, like Flores Crater Lakes Ecolodge, Watugana Bungalow, Star Lodge, Hotel Arwanti, Hotel Flores Sare, or Sao Ria Tour. Most of the hotels in the village of Moni-facility hot water, but some are not. The price is varied, ranging from Rp 150,000 to Rp 300,000.

Kelimutu located in the village Koanara, Wolowaru District, about 66 kilometers from the town of Ende and 83 kilometers from Maumere. Moni is the closest town, situated at the foot of Mount Kelimutu. This small town is a gateway to Kelimutu Lake. The distance between Moni and Flores is about 15 kilometers. You can use a motorcycle taxi, car or public transportation to bring to the parking area prior to the summit of Mount of Kelimutu. There are buses to the Ende from Maumere than which through Moni. Local people call it a bus or car wooden cabbage. From there, you should be shooting went about 15 miles to the location of the lake. Every day, available flights from Denpasar and Kupang to Maumere.

There are only a few restaurants in Moni. Available in local market stalls Moni. If you want to climb into Kelimutu Lake, you do not need to bring food, because the journey can be taken for about 1 hour. However, if you want to explore the national park, you must bring your own food, especially drinking water. Seller ginger tea is available at its peak, where tourists enjoy a charming view of the sunset.

Local souvenirs are available in the parking lot. You can find a the cloth belt, woven cloth typical of Flores. Every district in Flores has his motives respectively. Here are some stores that sell the cloth belt, various crafts, and antiques.

Best time.
Kelimutu usually shrouded in fog. You are better to visit in the early morning at around 3:30 in order to watch the sunrise charming atmosphere. This is the best atmosphere to watch the scenery Kelimutu Lake. The best time to visit Kelimutu Lake is in July and August. Please book your hotel two months before your visit.

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