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Cendrawasih Bay National park : The unexplored beauty

Cenderawasih Bay National Park is the largest marine national park in Indonesia with an area of 1,453,500 ha and is one of the best dive sites in the archipelago, extending along the eastern peninsula to the north island Kwatisore Rumberpon and has a coastline of 500 km. . Located at 01 ° 43 '- 03 ° 22' south latitude and 134 ° 06 '- 135 ° 10' East Longitude and administratively included in Wondama and Nabire regency, West Papua Province. Cendrawasih Bay Park combines the coral reef ecosystem with mangroves, islands and tropical forest ecosystems. This park is a colony of black coral, blue coral and soft coral.

The park is famous for its 209 species of fish that make this park as their habitats, among them the butterfly fish, damselfish fish and parrot fish, while molluscs are found here including the triton trumpet, large shells and conical shells. Wide coral cover on reefs in this national park reached 80.000 acres with 238 species of corals, coral reefs form a group, reef edge, barrier reefs, atolls and reefs in shallow water. Generally, coral reef ecosystem is divided into two zones: the reef flat (reef flat) and reef slope zone (reef slope). The types of corals that can be seen among other blue colonies (Heliopora coerulea), black coral (Antiphates sp.), And Pectiniidae Faviidae family, as well as various types of soft corals.

What to see

This region has a fairly high species diversity and community cultural authenticity that can be the object of educational research and recreation. In Cendrawasih Bay National Park, we can do snorkeling, diving and wildlife observation on the island Nusrowi, P. Nutabari, Kumbur, Nuburi or a visit to the island Roon for cultural tourism, tourism skull cave and waterfall. In addition, we can also see dolphins and whales in the islands and waters Yoop Windesi
Snorkeling and diving in the Cendrawasih Bay National Park is obligatory for those who appreciate the wealth of tropical aquatic biota. 10-meter long tunnel takes us into the lagoon on the southern island of Pulau Purup Rumberpon, we can enjoy the coral reefs with a funny clown fish amid anemone. The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) swimming round and round in the Gulf of Umar, Nabire. We can hold extraordinary creature whose length is 9 feet and weighs 4.5 tons. Most of this area in seagrass cover, so invite dugongs (Dugong dugon) to come over there. If lucky, we could see the bird Cenderawasih colorful during a visit to the village.

Giant clam (Tridacna gigas) species began to be hard to find elsewhere, can be found in abundance in Yaur gun. The bay is also a play area for hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), turtle jars (Caretta Caretta) and the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). Exploring the natural beauty of Cendrawasih Bay will be more complete with the exploration of the wreckage flew during World War II in the Strait Numamurang.

Colorful Birds ,Cendrawasih Bay is a paradise for bird-endemic and migratory birds. Various birds of various colors jumping from tree to tree. Megapode birds (Megapodius sp) who shy build their nests like a pyramid of sand. Size can be big as a house man. But because of shy, rarely people can see them in their habitat, among others in the Nature Reserve Wondibuoy, Wasior. Slightly to the east of Wasior, we can find endemic birds Junai Golden Bird (Coelonas nicobarica). Although they build nests in the treetops, they forage on the ground like a chicken. Other interesting animals are birds crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) and Kuskus tree (Phalanger sp) on the island Rumberpoon, as well as birds Pelikan, Sobey

There is a natural cave which is a relic of ancient hot springs containing sulfur without Misowaar salinity on the island, the cave in the water with a depth of 100 feet in Tanjung Mangguar. A number of relics from the 18th century can still be found in several places, such as Wendesi, Wasior, and Yomber. Many Christians who visited the church in the village Yende (Roon Island), just to see the holy book, published in 1898.

In addition to exploring the beauty of the sea, Cendrawasih Bay is an ideal place for ecotourism expeditions and cultural tours indigenous Papuan coast. Looking down the path to the hot springs in Yende, we can stop at a historic cave that holds the frame Wandau ethnic ancestry. It is estimated that they were the first group of people who come to the District Mioswar, Wondama. To know more G.L. Blink, a missionary, who worked hard to bring civilization and the church, we can visit old churches Isna Jedi, built in 1884. Inside are the oldest gospel in Papua.

How to get there

Visitors are not charged a ticket to enter the Cendrawasih Bay National Park. If visitors want to explore Cendrawasih Bay , they have to report to the Cendrawasih Bay National Park (BTNTC) in the city of Manokwari to get Mail Entry Location . Meanwhile, for foreign tourists are required to obtain an entry permit from the Department of Forestry.

The route from Jakarta, Makassar or Denpasar, more easily reached by plane to Manokwari. Then, the boat (speed boat) charter or regular ferry will take us to Wasior, the heart of Paradise Bay.

The route from Papua
Manokwari - Ransiki District (Army, 3 hours) - Rumberpon Island (Long boat, 2 hours). Manokwari - Lumberpon (long boat, 2 hours) Nabire - District Wasior (Long boat, 2.5 hours) Nabire - Papaya Island (Speed boat, 2 hours) Nabire - Angromeos island (speed boat, 3.5 hours)

visitors can use a motor boat which came three times a week with 2.5 hour long journey.

visitors can also use the outboard motor with a time of about 6-10 hours, or use a boat pioneer with a long trip PELNI between 18-20 hours. PELNI ships usually stop at the park once a month.

visitors can also ride the Twin Otter aircraft owned Merpati Nusantara Cesna owned or MAF. However, after air travel, travel must proceed further with outboard motor suit 3-4 hours.

In the meantime, if through Nabire, visitors will travel a distance of 38 km to reach the Cendrawasih Bay National Park. From here, visitors can use a motor boat and takes about 2-6 hours (depending on the type of motor boat).

or we can take for a short :

To reach the island, we have to cross for about 45 minutes by boat from the fishing port of Nabire.
Lion Air: Jakarta-Nabire
Garuda Indonesia: Jakarta, Biak
From Biak to Nabire followed by Merpati or Susi Air.

Not yet available in this area of tourism facilities such as the Dive Center, inn, or resort. However, for visitors who want to stay can use the national park lodge hall tours Cendrawasih Bay (BTNTC) in the District Rumberpon or in people's homes. What is the mechanism to get a place of lodging can be directly contacted BTNTC. If it requires a guide to explore Cendrawasih Bay National Park, include the desire is in the letter requesting permission to BTNTC. Later, the BTNTC which will provide / designate a companion.

For further information please contact the office hall official Cendrawasih Bay national park below:

Kantor Balai Besar Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih
Jl. Drs Essau Sesa , Sowi Gunung Manokwari, Provinsi Papua Barat
Phone : +62 986 212303
Fax : +62 986 214719
Email :

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