Tourism Alternative

Hongkong to Macau by Ferry

On our second day in Hongkong, we decided to go to Macau. I have been searching through for any blogs describing Macau, or the details what number of the bus should we take, where should we go, etc... but so far I haven't found any blogs that satisfy my needs. So I talked to Rene if he insist going to Macau, he is going to be in charge for making the Macau's itinerary. It ended up we have no itinerary at all until one night before we go to Macau! *That's why men are from mars:p* Thank God we had a Macau map and also got valuable information from our friend Deasy who is now living in Hongkong (we met Deasy on the first day we were in Hongkong, she came by to our hotel, thanks a lot sweety Daisy). We also borrowed a book about Macau from our hotel.

Due to limited information (or a mistake that we didn't ask Wilson at the hotel before we went out the hotel), we went to the same ferry Pier we visited yesterday. We asked the visitor information center at the Piere, and the lady said that we supposed to go to the other side, called the China Ferry Terminal to take the ferry to macau. Oh no...anyway, we just enjoyed our journey by taking pictures. We passed so many branded stores, which still closed at 8 am in the morning.

When we almost arrived at the China Ferry Terminal, we passed an Esprit outlet. Our husband promise to let us shop there when we come back from Macau :D

After a 15 minute walk from the Piere, we arrived at China Ferry Terminal in Tsim Tsa Sui area. We took the lisft to the second floor, where the departure terminal is located. There were so many ferry lockets, we just choose which one will depart the fastest. The First Ferry will depart on 8.30, so we went to their locket, and buy the ticket. Too bad none of us had a visa platinum. The guy at the ticket counter offers a special promo buy 3 get 1 using visa platinum. Too bad... The one single journey ticket cost HKD 136 per person.

We checked in through imigration counters, and then got in to the ferry. The ferry is the same as Batam-Spore ferry. Same size, same condition. We didn't get windows seat (forget to ask the window seat at the check in counter), but as the ferry is not full, so we just change seats. We slept through the one hour trip from HK to Macau. And it felt really fast that Rene woke me up and said, "Look we're almost in Macau"

Getting out from the ferry, passed the imigration, than we were confused what to do. There are so many shuttle bus outside the terminal offering free shuttle to the casinos and hotels. But our plan is going to Senado at first, Macau Tower, than the Venetian. Thera also so many guide offering a 2-3 hours tour for HKD 500! Pheww so expensive. And also there are Becak offering a tour for us, with the price HKD 80, they will take us to Senado. Rene and Emas went to the visitor information, and the lady said we can go by taxi for HKD 25 or by bus no.3. The bus stop is just in front of the terminal. The lady also said we can pay by HKD. The bus driver won't give any change.

So as a half tourist and half backpackers:p of course we choose the most cheap mode of transportation. We waited for bus no 3 and paid HKD 3 pe person. The bus looks like the same with the bus in HK. We asked the driver to give a hint if we're close to Senado. Only 10 minutes, we stopped at the bus stop of Senado. Our Macau experience begins here...

tag: liburan ke Hongkong, liburan ke Macau, naik ferry ke Macau, naik bis di Macau

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